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Call Back Your Power – Disconnect from The Drain’s


After a relationship break up, traumatic experience or major change in our lives; we can sometimes feel off balance, unconnected to ourselves, lack focus and feel sluggish.


Can you remember a time you felt like that? Or do you feel like that now?


If you have answered yes then you are not alone, far from it.

When we create a connection with a person, place, thing, or event we carry that cord of attachment with us throughout our lives, unless we take action to disconnect from it.

These cords can be extraordinarily strong and can act like a drain on our energy, mindset, physicality and can affect our everyday life.

Now if you are still reading that is great, because it means that some part of this has resonated with you, and you have acknowledged that it is something you need to know more about.

If you keep replaying events in your head, going over the same conversations, feel like you cannot make a clean break and leave the past behind then carry-on reading.

I have collaborated with many women who have wanted to call back their power, put themselves back in control and finally say no to reliving past events. Through a process of meditation, visualization, spell work and soul retrieval I have supported these women through this journey back to self. Back to their soul.

Strong cords of attachment have left some of these women feeling unlovable, lack confidence, not worthy, powerless … the list goes on.

And whilst I am very much an advocate for accepting, reflecting, and doing our shadow work, I am also very enthusiastic about women regaining their power, pushing forward, and taking charge of their future.

If this is something that resonates with you, and you would like to start rediscovering your power, magic, and magnetism then I would love to help you with that.


Online Package

1 x 30 Minute ‘Get Clear’ Session on Zoom

During this session, I get to know you, what you want to work on and plan your bespoke sessions with you.

4 x 1 Hour Sessions on Zoom

These sessions cover soul retrieval, past life regression, cord cutting, visualization and talking therapies.

1 x 30 Minute Pre-Recorded

Personalized ‘Power’ Meditation

This is a recorded meditation by me that you and only you will have the private link to. It is a personalized meditation to enforce your strength, healing, and energy clearing which you can listen to repeatedly.

1 x Cord Cutting Spell Kit

This kit will be posted out to you and will contain all the items you need to perform your own cord cutting ritual at home on the full moon.

This package is worth £250

Today you can invest in yourself for £200 - PURCHASE HERE

In Person Package


1 x 30 Minute ‘Get Clear’ Session in Person

During this session, I get to know you, what you want to work on and plan your bespoke sessions with you.

4 x 1 Hour Sessions in Person

These sessions cover soul retrieval, past life regression, cord cutting, visualization and talking therapies.

1 x 30 Minute Pre-Recorded

Personalized ‘Power’ Meditation

This is a recorded meditation by me that you and only you will have the private link to. It is a personalized meditation to enforce your strength, healing, and energy clearing which you can listen to repeatedly.

1 x Cord Cutting Spell Kit

This kit will be posted out to you and will contain all the items you need to perform your own cord cutting ritual at home on the full moon.

This package is worth £300

Today you can invest in yourself for £250 - PURCHASE HERE


Once you have made your purchase you will receive an email from myself with the appropriate links to schedule your appointments.


I will also require your postal address to send your Cord Cutting Spell Kit to you.

Get in Touch
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